Unconventional Ways to Buy and Sell Real Estate in Memphis


Memphis, Tennessee, is a city rich in culture, history, and economic potential. The real estate market here has seen significant growth, making it an attractive destination for investors and homebuyers alike. While traditional methods of buying and selling property still dominate the market, there are several unconventional ways that are gaining popularity. In this article, we will explore these alternative strategies, offering insights and tips for those looking to navigate the Memphis real estate landscape in a unique and potentially profitable manner.

1. Real Estate Auctions

Online Auctions

Online real estate auctions have become increasingly popular in Memphis. Websites like Auction.com and Hubzu offer properties at competitive prices, often resulting in quicker sales than the traditional market.

Live Auctions

Live auctions present an exciting opportunity for buyers to snag properties at potentially lower prices. Memphis often hosts real estate auctions where buyers can bid on properties in a live setting.

2. Wholesaling

Wholesaling involves purchasing a contract for a property and then selling that contract to another buyer for a higher price. This method requires a keen understanding of the Memphis real estate market, negotiation skills, and the ability to act quickly.

3. Lease Options

Lease options, or rent-to-own agreements, allow buyers to rent a property with the option to purchase it at a later date. This unconventional method can be beneficial for those who may not currently qualify for a traditional mortgage.

4. Owner Financing

Owner financing occurs when the seller finances the purchase of their property directly to the buyer, bypassing the need for a traditional mortgage. This method can offer more flexible terms and potentially lower interest rates.

5. Crowdfunding and Real Estate Syndication

Crowdfunding platforms like Fundrise and RealtyMogul allow investors to pool their money together to purchase real estate. This method enables smaller investors to participate in the Memphis real estate market with a relatively small capital outlay.

6. House Hacking

House hacking in Memphis presents a unique and advantageous strategy for real estate investors, especially those entering the market for the first time. By purchasing a multi-unit property, living in one unit, and renting out the others, individuals can offset their living expenses, and potentially live mortgage-free. This approach not only eases financial pressure but also serves as a valuable introduction to property management. Memphis, with its diverse housing stock and steady rental demand, provides a fertile ground for house hacking. Investors benefit from the city’s vibrant communities and economic stability, making it easier to attract reliable tenants. Memphis Home Buyers stands as a valuable resource in this venture, offering insights.

7. Short Sales and Foreclosures

Purchasing short sales or foreclosed properties can offer significant discounts, though it also comes with increased risk and complexity. Memphis has a variety of these types of properties available, offering potential for those willing to navigate the complexities.

8. Home Swapping

Home swapping involves trading homes with another owner, either temporarily or permanently. This unconventional method is gaining traction among homeowners looking to relocate within Memphis without going through the traditional selling process.

9. Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals

Airbnb and short-term rentals have revolutionized the real estate investment landscape in Memphis, providing property owners with a lucrative alternative to traditional leasing. This strategy enables investors to capitalize on Memphis’s thriving tourism and business travel industry, potentially garnering higher rental income through dynamic pricing based on demand and seasonality. While the model demands active management and adherence to local regulations, the flexibility to adjust rental terms and prices, coupled with the opportunity for personal use, makes it an attractive option. Memphis Home Buyers aids investors in navigating this vibrant but complex market, offering insights, management strategies, and regulatory guidance to optimize rental income while ensuring a seamless and compliant operation.

10. Real Estate Partnerships

Real estate partnerships are a strategic and collaborative way to delve into the Memphis property market, allowing investors to pool resources, share risks, and leverage diverse expertise for enhanced profitability. Memphis Home Buyers, with its profound knowledge and experience in the local real estate landscape, provides comprehensive guidance in forming and navigating these partnerships. From mitigating potential conflicts and ensuring aligned interests to optimizing management roles and devising clear exit strategies, our team ensures that every partnership is structured for success. By tapping into the collaborative power of real estate partnerships, Memphis Home Buyers empowers investors to capitalize on the city’s vibrant property opportunities, fostering a synergistic approach to real estate investment.


Embracing unconventional methods in the real estate realm of Memphis opens up a plethora of opportunities for savvy investors and homebuyers. Memphis Home Buyers, with its innovative approach and deep local market knowledge, stands as a guiding beacon through these less trodden paths. From auction purchases and wholesaling to creative financing options and short-term rental investments, our expertise ensures that clients navigate these complex waters with ease and confidence. We are committed to unlocking value and providing bespoke solutions, proving that in the vibrant landscape of Memphis real estate, thinking outside the traditional box is not just beneficial—it’s transformative.

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